Our advice on data privacy covers the full scope of compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA). From helping our clients understand the fundamentals of PDPA compliance, providing a gap analysis (including developing a questionnaire for PDPA compliance and a data inventory list, conducting interviews, holding workshops, implementing software-based data flow analysis and providing a gap analysis report and recommendations) and providing key PDPA compliance documents, to conducting PDPA training to build staff awareness and help mitigate non-compliance risk, we offer the full range of PDPA services.
We develop risk mitigation strategies to safeguard our clients’ assets and reputation and resolve corporate governance issues. We also conduct training programs for local staff on anti-bribery and counter-corruption regulations as well as compliance and coach on investigations into breaches of such policies.
We advise businesses on the impact of non-compliance on their transactions and day-to-day operations as well as guide clients on regulatory inspections and incident investigations.
Our regulatory compliance expertise includes:
- data privacy (including GAP analysis and implementation strategy)
- business codes of conduct and trade practices
- industry-specific licensing and permits
- FDA and Department of Industrial Works product registrations
- statutory filings
- consumer protection
- foreign business operations
- Thailand Board of Investment
- Thai marine law-related registrations
- trade competition
- anti-corruption (including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act)